10 People Who Did Something So Kind It Belongs in a Film

Story 3: 

Story 4: 

A few years back, I ran out of gas on my way home from work. I managed to get my car to the median, so I wasn’t totally blocking traffic. I was stuck at this point—no one I could call and no money. I had three people stop and help me.

The first guy asked what was wrong, if I was okay, and if I had any money on me for gas, etc. I told him my car was out of gas, I had no way of getting to a gas station, and I showed him my check that I had yet to cash, so I had no money. He left, and car two showed up.

Car two—I chatted with her for a bit, but she said she couldn’t really help me out, which is all good.

So the third person to stop was an undercover officer. Really nice guy—he helped me push my car towards the grass and brainstormed ideas for the situation because he didn’t want to leave me there.

Well, as the cop and I were talking, car number one pulls up, gets out, and hands me a full 10-gallon gas can. I profusely thanked the guy, even offered to get his number so I could pay him back. He refused, just said it was really no problem.
I didn’t ask this guy to spend his money on gas for me, but he did anyway, and I’m thankful he did. Too bad I’ll never get a chance to pay him back. © SkatinKate / Reddit

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