Apparently, he had a pattern: he would date women, gain their trust, and then start stealing from them. He had been in prison multiple times for theft, mainly from his previous jobs. One of his ex-girlfriends had even written blog posts detailing every step of their relationship, including how they met—and it was eerily similar to how he had approached me.
I couldn’t be more grateful to that waitress. Her courage, kindness, and quick thinking saved me from something terrible. I realized she had staged the declined card incident just to have an excuse to slip me that message.
She didn’t just serve a meal that night. She served a warning.
Story 9:
Story 10:
I was a freshman, and it rained like crazy on my way home from school. I forgot my umbrella and decided to walk through it.
This old woman, probably in her 60s, walked up to me and shared her umbrella with me. She walked with me until I got home, sharing some life lessons along the way. It was around a 10-minute walk. I wish I could see her again and thank her.