11 Things to Do with a Banana Peel Instead of Throwing It Away

The banana is a popular fruit all over the globe because of its excellent flavor and many health advantages. What you may not be aware of, however, is that its peel has more than one practical use. So, instead of throwing away banana peels, figure out what to do with them! Organic bananas are used, naturally.

Eliminate Warts
Are you sick of dealing with warts? Of course, you can use household items to remove them, but did you realize that the rind of a banana may do the same thing? All you have to do is take off a banana and apply it to the affected region where you have warts. Put the banana peel in a secure spot and let it sit overnight. Keep doing this until the wart goes away.
They Make Your Teeth Whiter
Applying the inside surface of a banana peel to your teeth for two minutes and then letting it rest for ten can help whiten your teeth. This should be done prior to tooth brushing. For the best results, choose a ripe banana.

They Make Meat Tender
You may use banana peels as a fertilizer for roses just as you would compost them.

They Sooth Insect Bite Pain
People claim that applying banana peels to mosquito bites reduces swelling and irritation, however this has not been validated by science.

They Get Rid of Spit
Just lay a banana peel on the spot where you got a splinter and let it sit there all night. This will make your skin more pliable, which will make removing the splinter much simpler.

It Clears Up Acne
Are you dealing with acne? Let the interior of a banana peel rest for a while after rubbing it all over your face for 10 minutes. To allow the banana peel to work its magic, wait before rinsing your face.

Having them will make your shoes seem brand new.

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