12 People Who Had Been Living in a Carefully Crafted Illusion

On her d3athbed, my stepmother (who had raised me from the time I was 3 years old and died when I was 35) told me that she never thought of me as family but just didn’t know how to get rid of me after my dad abandoned us. © Responsible-Movie966 / Reddit

Story 4: 

Image for illustrative purpose only.

I grew up thinking we were poor. My parents were extremely frugal—no eating out, no new clothes, no vacations. I started working at 14 to help with bills.

Then, when my dad passed, I found out he had over $1 million in savings. My mom admitted they just didn’t believe in spending money. I was furious—I struggled for years while they sat on a fortune.

Story 5: 

Story 6:

My grandparents and family didn’t want to come to my high school or college graduations, but happily went to all of my cousins’ events. It made me feel totally unwanted by the whole family for a long time.

Turns out, my dad told them not to come because my stepmom didn’t like my grandma. © pourthebubbly / Reddit

Story 7:

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