5 Natural Eyelash Enhancers to Make Your Eyelashes 3 Times Longer

Castor oil 7
Castor oil thickens eyelashes or even eyebrows. This oil is rich in ricinoleic acid which helps to grow hair but also eyelashes and eyebrows; it allows at the same time to strengthen the hair follicle. To use it, simply use a cotton swab soaked in this oil and apply it to your eyelashes at night before going to bed. Leave it on overnight and then wash your entire face when you wake up. If you apply this oil for a month, you will see a drastic effect on your eyelashes.

However, care must be taken to prevent castor oil from coming into contact with your eyes, in which case rinse them immediately.

4) Vaseline to stimulate eyelash growth
Eyelash fortifier
For this preparation you will need the equivalent of a tablespoon of Vaseline and a few drops of chamomile oil. Mix everything and apply the resulting mixture with a brush. Leave this eyelash treatment on overnight and rinse when you wake up when you clean your face. Vaseline is not a miracle product, but its moisturizing effect makes your eyelashes look curled and thicker. If you don’t know them, here are the 4 Vaseline-based tips to enhance your beauty.

5) An aloe vera-based preparation for thick eyelashes
aloe vera 10
To lengthen your eyelashes and make them more voluminous, here is an effective recipe so that you have a guaranteed false eyelash effect. You will need:

– ¼ cup aloe vera gel,
– 5 drops castor oil
– 1 drop vitamin E oil
– 1 clean eyelash brush

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl until you obtain a homogeneous solution and apply the preparation with an eyelash brush every night before going to bed. Thanks to the moisturizing aloe vera, rich in vitamin E, and the castor oil containing ricinoleic acid, you will look like a doe within a few weeks.

In the context of these oils, Dr. Ilyse HabermanUS ​​magazine that with oils that include castor oil, eyelashes grow healthily. When applying the eyelashes in small quantities, care must be taken that the product does not come into contact with the eyelashes.

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