Vegan Marshmallows

Vegan Marshmallows is a fluffy, light, and tasty sweet dish. It is an easy recipe. It is different from traditional marshmallows because it is made with natural plant-based ingredients and are also low in calories. These Vegan Marshmallows are gelatin-free, nut-free, and dairy-free. It is so delicate that it will quickly infuse with your mouth palates. You can enjoy this with any sweet dish. It’s perfect for summer picnics, potlucks, and appetizers. It’s a vegan and kid-friendly recipe. You must have tried this easy dish. Start this recipe by following the listed instructions.

Vegan Marshmallows

Powdered Sugar 1/2cup
Cornstarch 1/2cup
Aquafaba 1/2cup
Cream of Tartar 1/4tsp
Vanilla Extract 2tsps
For Syrup
Granulated Sugar 1cup
Water 1/3cup
For Agar Batter
Agar Powder 4tsps
Granulated Sugar 1/4cup
Water 3/4cup
Place parchment paper inside the pan and add a thin layer of cornstarch and powdered sugar.
Next, add cream of tartar, and aquafaba in a blender.
Blend it well at medium speed until a creamy texture forms.
Put this mixture aside.
Take a pan. Add granulated sugar, and water to this pan.
Put this pan on the burner and turn on the flame.
Over medium-high flame cook it for 10- 15 minutes until a syrup texture forms.
When the sugar syrup is done, slowly pour over the aquafaba.
During pouring, add vanilla extract.
Mix it well until aquafaba coats well with sugar syrup. Set aside this pan.
Take another pan. Add water, granulated sugar, and agar powder to this pan.
Combine all ingredients well.
Boil all these ingredients over a medium heat.
Continuously whisk it for 4-5 minutes so that it won’t stick to the pan.
Add this agar mixture to the aquafaba.
Toss it well until the agar mixture combines well with aquafaba.
With the help of a clean spoon, shift the coated aquafaba to the greased pan.
Cover this pan with a plastic wrapper, or kitchen towel. Set aside it for 4-5 hours.
After that, lightly coat it with cornstarch and powdered sugar.
Mix it. Cut the Marshmallows into square, or diced shapes.
The fluffy vegan Marshmallows are ready.

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