Baking soda in the closet, leave it there overnight: the next day you won’t believe your eyes

If you’re looking for a secret technique, try using baking soda inside your closet. You’ll be amazed by the outcome.
Storage Room
A particularly unpleasant odor is often generated in enclosed and inadequately ventilated areas. The garments get a lot of the energy that’s produced when this occurs, for instance, in closets and drawers. The good news is that you may get rid of that musty interior smell in a number of ways. You could even have some in your pantry; they’re natural.
The interior of a closet or dresser is often neglected in favor of the outside, even though it is just as significant. Inadequate ventilation is typically to blame for the musty smell that develops in the closet. A great deal of dust is also produced by it.
If your closet has an unpleasant odor, use these steps to eliminate it: baking soda,
We need to clear everything out and tidy up first. Dust and wipe down all surfaces; baking soda is an effective dehumidifier. With only half a teaspoon, not only will the odor be eliminated, but those pesky water droplets that linger in the closet will also be gone.

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