Bullied woman ‘too ugly’ for selfies takes one a day for a year

As a result, her following on Instagram has risen from 7,500 to 100,000. Alongside the images she posted each day, 39-year-old Melissa also addressed topics such as disabilities. As per Refinery29, she said:

“There was one thing they all had in common: Each selfie truly reflected my personality and who I was. Each was a celebration, and each carried a message.”

She continued: “It’s a way of taking back my power and painting a more accurate picture of disability. Because the one we have now? It’s more 1950 than 2020 — full of misconceptions that often only show disabled people as drains on society. On the contrary, we lead full lives and I’m so proud that I was able to show that for an entire year.”

I don’t know about you, but I’m immensely proud of Melissa and the courage she’s shown in rising above the revolting trolls who sought to put her down for a cheap laugh.

What’s more, her bravery was rewarded by thousands of comments online from strangers who wished to show their support for her plight!

Melissa, I don’t know if you’ll ever read this, but if you do I want to say thank you. Thank you for inspiring others to ignore bullies with nothing better to do than put down others. Thank you for showing us that beauty really is only skin deep. Thank you for being you!

Share this article if you’re proud of Melissa, and if you’re praying for a world where bullying no longer exists.

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