He muttered, “I hope I didn’t disappoint you, Leah,” his eyes welling with tears. At that moment, Joe bounded off the court and seized Thomas’s arm. “Thomas, I will battle for the children because I am their true father. Don’t let your victory overtake you too soon.” With a scowl, Thomas withdrew his arm from Joe’s hold. Joe, that’s precisely the reason you’re unfit to be their parent! It is better to struggle for the children’s sake rather than for their sake. Satisfied that Leah’s children were in good hands with him when he got home from the court, Thomas noticed his wife packing her luggage.“What’s going on, Susannah?” Perplexed, he inquired. “What’s with all the packing at this time?” She snorted, “I’m sorry, Thomas,” and closed the final bag. “Here you have three at once, and I’m not even sure if I want children at all. Did you not win the case? After giving it some thought, I don’t believe I want to live the next few years changing diapers. Thomas, I didn’t get married to you for this. Apologies. After that, Susannah vanished. Thomas continued to be shocked that he was left on his alone to take care of his nephews as he surveyed the house. Frustrated, he took a bottle out of the wine rack, but as he was about to trash the cork, his eyes strayed to his phone’s screensaver.His three young nephews were there to greet him. He couldn’t just give up and let his grief consume him. I assured Leah that I would provide a happy life for them. This is beyond my abilities.” He put the wine bottle back on the rack and turned to leave. The triplets—Jayden, Noah, and Andy—grew up under Thomas’s tender care as the years passed quickly. Thomas cherished every second he spent with his nephews, whether it was changing the boys’ soiled diapers or soothing them to sleep with his very flat voice. However, Thomas’s physical and emotional well-being suffered as a result of their care, and one day he passed out at work. Dismissing it as a result of not getting enough sleep, he headed out to get his nephews from kindergarten.However, the man across from his house gave him the chills as soon as he saw him when he got home. After five hard years, Joe was standing there on the pavement in front of Thomas’s home. “Youngsters, enter. Alright, I’ll be joining you shortly. When the children entered, Thomas grinned. Then he went up to Joe. He growled, “What the hell are you doing here?!” “Have you been stalking us all along?” Thomas, I’m coming to reclaim what is rightfully mine. “I’m here for my kids,” he brashly acknowledged. “Your children?” Thomas sneered. “During the five years I was raising kids, where were you? Joe, they were never yours in the first place. You abandoned them before they were even born, and now you’re back to get them back? They are not your kids anymore. Get out of here!”“You’re not correct, Thomas,” Joe asserted. “I put in a lot of effort during those five years to build up my finances so I could take care of my kids.” It’s about time the kids returned home with their biological father, as I promised you I wouldn’t give up!” “Oh really?” Thomas put him to the test. “I’ll wager the judge will be persuaded otherwise by the nice car you’re cruising around in. Spend no more time wasting!” Though Thomas was sure Joe wouldn’t be able to get the kids back, he received a court summons a few months later. Even though reading it broke Thomas’s heart, he plucked up the strength to show up to court. Joe’s attorney called Thomas to testify at the hearing. “It has recently come to our attention that Dr. Spellman is on a very specific regimen of prescription medications,” Joe’s attorney stated. “After consulting a medical specialist, I’ve come to—” “Objection, your honor!” Thomas’s attorney erupted in tears and stood up. “I will allow it since the guardian’s health directly impacts these proceedings,” remarked the court. “Thank you, your honor,” Joe’s attorney said as he turned to look at Thomas. “Doctor Spellman, is it accurate to say that you have a brain tumor and that the physicians are unsure of your prognosis? And that a brain tumor is treated with this specific combination of drugs?” Yes, Thomas said, hanging his head. He was taking medication to reduce the size of an incurable brain tumor that was actually found in him months earlier in order to prevent seizures. The judge listened to all sides, then cast a sympathetic glance at Thomas before handing down the ruling. “The court feels that it would be better for the children to be in the care of their biological father in light of the new circumstances. I hope you stay strong and well, Dr. Spellman, but if you really love these kids, you have to realize that this is what’s best for them. As a result, I am giving the children’s biological father custody. You’ve got two weeks to get them ready.” Even though Thomas knew what was coming the day he got the summons, he was determined to fight for his nephews and to keep his word to Leah.Thomas felt as though a heart had stopped beating in his chest as he prepared his nephews’ suitcases for their final journey. His purpose for existing had been these children. “We would like to move in with you, Uncle Thomas! Kindly, Uncle Thomas,” the children pleaded. “Guys,” remarked Thomas. “Uncle Thomas would never make a bad decision for you if you love him.” Boys, Joe will make sure you’re happy, and that’s what I want for you. Could you quickly hurry and move your belongings to his car?” The three young boys didn’t even look at Joe as they piled their suitcases into his car. As a matter of fact, they ran back and gave Doctor Thomas a leg hug. Jayden sobbed, “Uncle Thomas, I love you.” “I…I don’t want to leave you!” “We want to live with you, too!” Andy and Noah both burst into tears. “Hey, hey, guys,” Thomas said as he knelt to address the children. “Have we not struck a good bargain? On the weekends, I will visit you, and we will treat Daddy Joe well.” Thomas swallowed his tears and gave the boys a firm hug. He tried to get away, saying, “Now come on; Joe’s waiting,” but the kids gripped him even more tightly.Thomas had never been Joe’s favorite. He really would have done anything to get his children back. However, something changed in his heart at that precise instant. Upon glancing at Thomas and the boys, he found it impossible to resist joining them. He gave them a hug and shook his head. “You were right all along, Thomas,” he remarked. “We should not fight for the children but for their sake.” Joe then assisted Thomas in bringing the boys’ suitcases back inside the house.