Handmade Mozzarella Recipe: A Simple Guide

Cut the curd with a knife that reaches to the bottom of the pot, making 1-inch square cuts.

Place the pot back on the stove and heat the curds to 105°F (40°C), gently moving the curds around with the slotted spoon.

Step 4: Separating Curds and Whey
Turn off the heat and continue stirring gently for about 5 minutes.

Using the slotted spoon, transfer the curds to a cheese cloth-lined colander to drain off the whey. Try to remove as much whey as possible.

Step 5: Stretching the Curds
Microwave method:

Place the curds in a microwave-safe bowl and microwave on high for 1 minute. Drain off any excess whey. Knead the curd gently and microwave for another 30 seconds. Sprinkle salt over the cheese, and stretch it: fold it over and over on itself until it’s glossy.

Hot water method:

Heat a pot of water to just below boiling (about 185°F/85°C). Submerge the curd in the hot water using a slotted spoon. Let it sit until it becomes pliable and easy to stretch. Sprinkle salt over the cheese and stretch it as above until shiny.

Step 6: Forming the Mozzarella
Form the mozzarella into balls by pinching off a handful and tucking the ends underneath to make a smooth surface.

Place the finished mozzarella in a bowl of ice water to cool down quickly and maintain its shape.

Quality of milk is crucial; fresh, high-quality milk yields the best mozzarella.

Handling the curd gently ensures a smoother cheese.

Once you’ve mastered the basics of making mozzarella, you can experiment with different milks, shapes, and even infusions of herbs for flavored mozzarella. Enjoy your fresh, homemade mozzarella in your favorite dishes!

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