How to clean and polish marble with natural products?

removing dust
Dust quickly accumulates on marble and causes it to lose its aesthetics. There are several different methods to remove it effectively. For marble, it is best to use a microfiber cloth. Simply moisten this soft cloth with some warm water and wipe off the dust, then quickly dry and wipe the surface. The cleanliness will be there!

marble floor cleaning
Marble floor
Marble floor – Source: spm

How to make your own marble floor cleaner at home?

You will need:
1 tablespoon of Marseille soap (previously reduced to shavings)
3 tablespoons of baking soda
3 liters of water
Fill a bowl with hot water, pour in the baking soda and Marseille soap (or black soap), dissolving the ingredients well. Dip a sponge into the mixture and gently wipe the surface. Dry thoroughly with a clean cloth to avoid streaks.

Marseille soap is a very popular and very versatile natural product that can quickly dissolve dirt without damaging surfaces. But if you don’t have any, you can also use organic dish soap.

PS: you can still make your cleaner using other ingredients such as soda crystals or clay stone.

marble countertop cleaning
marble counter
Marble counter – Source: spm

For marble countertops, Marseille soap is very effective, in particular thanks to its gentle and non-aggressive cleaning action.

Fill a basin with water and a sponge.

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