I add this ingredient to baking soda and I get a powerful stain remover!

Toothpaste: discover all its really effective alternative uses
A simple toothpaste can be a good friend for certain household chores. Making it is very simple, you just have to learn how to use it. Once you have tried it, you will not be able to do without it and you will not lighten your wallet by buying specific products that are not always effective.

  1. Stubborn stains
    With toothpaste, you can get rid of stubborn stains on your clothes. Pour 1 cup of baking soda on the stain. Then bring a strand of non-whitening toothpaste on top and with a clothes brush, start rubbing everything on the stain. Then let this newly created paste sit for a few minutes, then put everything in the washing machine. The result will be impeccable.
  2. Iron
    If there are burn or rust stains on the soleplate of your iron, you can remove them with toothpaste. Bring the amount of 1 teaspoon of toothpaste and then wipe well with a dry cloth. Then rinse the straightener thoroughly with water and you will notice that all the stains have disappeared as if by magic. Of course, you must dry everything carefully afterwards.

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