Several individuals also expressed concern about potential underlying mental health concerns that the girl’s parents should be more attentive to. There were even suggestions that the parents themselves may have underlying mental health issues that require attention.
— I agree that it would be beneficial for this child to undergo a psychological evaluation, as well as for both of her parents to do the same. Suffering1s0ptional / Reddit
— There seems to be a strong indication of an eating disorder and possibly a conversion disorder as well, which is quite unusual… It seems that all this chaos is just a ploy for attention. Wise-Adhesiveness129 / Reddit
— This sounds like orthorexia & her parents are just gleefully encouraging it. She is 15 years old and has two parents who are still alive. It’s clear that you’re not meeting her high standards, so it’s probably best if you don’t take on the responsibility of feeding her. Her mother can provide her with meals or her father can handle the cooking. WastelandMama / Reddit
However, there were also a few people who raised concerns about something the author did.
— I can see the reasoning behind your decision, particularly given the negative results of the allergy test. But no one should be fed things deceptively. It would have been better if you had politely declined to fulfill her requests. Hey-Just-Saying / Reddit
— In my humble opinion, I firmly believe that deceiving someone about the contents of their food is always morally incorrect. However, she has the ability to prepare her own meals. Longjumping_Crab_345 / Reddit