If You Have These Tiny Red Dots On Your Arm, Do Not Ignore The Warning Signs

Schools and young adults are particularly susceptible to scabies because of their high social interaction rates.

Given how intimate you’re becoming with others in such a situation, it can also be detected if you have several sexual partners.

It can also be easily contracted by sharing clothing or bedding.

You should wash all of your clothing and bedding in water that is 60 degrees Celsius if you contract scabies.

To eradicate all mites, place it in a bag for three days if it cannot be cleaned at such a high temperature.

‘Don’t hide away if you have scabies’

Professor Hawthorne has advised anyone who believes they may have scabies to seek the necessary medical attention.

Although there is a “social stigma” associated with the illness, this shouldn’t stop those who are affected from getting the assistance they may require.

It is really uncomfortable, but you can get creams and lotions to help ease the pain. In addition, if the bites worsen, the illnesses may cause something more serious.

“We recognise that patients may be apprehensive to seek treatment given the social stigma that surrounds the condition, but it is important that they don’t ignore their symptoms as this could lead to them getting worse and risks transmitting the condition to other people,” she stated.

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