Many People Throw Away Ticks After Removal In The Toilet

Ticks are not able to withstand a toilet flush.

In fact, flushing a tick down the toilet can put it in risk because it might not be able to float and could drown instead.

When feasible, it is preferable to use tweezers or a similar instrument to remove a tick rather than flushing it.

Overview of ticks: their characteristics and origins

Ticks are tiny parasites that feed on blood by biting humans and animals. Woods and tall grasses are examples of damp, shaded habitats where they thrive.

It's tick season - Revelstoke Review

It’s crucial to understand that flushing a tick down the toilet won’t k*ll it because these animals can withstand extremely high or low temperatures—in fact, they’ve been known to survive boiling water!

Elements that Impact Ticks’ Ability to Survive in Water

One of the key elements affecting tick survival is temperature. For many ticks, this can be a d3ath sentence because the water that flows through home toilets is far cooler than what they are accustomed to in the wild.

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