Nature’s Penicillin: Helps with Pneumonia, Earache, the Flu, and Bronchitis

Possesses antimicrobial properties that help detoxify your blood
It helps reduce bad cholesterol and cleanses the clogged arteries
It alleviates systolic and diastolic blood pressure, decreases oxidative stress, and strengthens the immunity
It’s good for the liver and exceptional in remedies for colds, the flu, ear infections, etc.
Supplies you with amazing nutrients: iron, vitamin A, thiamine, calcium, and niacin
Possesses antiseptic properties and relieves sinus mucus and loosens the phlegm in the chest and boosts oxygenation
Helpful for asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, and UTIs
Peppermint oil

Boosts oxygen flow into the blood
Detoxifies the whole body
Beneficial in alleviating nausea, healing headaches, and reducing sinus pain
Possesses anti-inflammatory properties
Recipe for Nature’s Penicillin
You will need:
An orange

A grapefruit

Two lemons

Three cloves of garlic

Half an onion

Two drops of peppermint oil

Additional, optional ingredients you may include:

Half an inch of fresh ginger

Half a tsp of turmeric powder

One-quarter tsp of cayenne pepper

A tsp of cinnamon powder

Peel the orange, grapefruit, and lemons. Then, cut them into small cubes and add them to the blender. Blend them in the blender.

Next, peel and cut the onion and garlic and add them to the blender. Blend once again to get a homogenous mixture. In the end, add two to three drops of peppermint oil.

Transfer the mixture to a glass jar.

Close it and keep it in a cool and dark area.

How to Use It:


Take a tablespoon of the remedy several times during the day to total a whole cup.

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