Quick & Easy Chinese-style Tender Beef

In a bowl, mix together the corn starch, oyster sauce, soy sauce, and beef pieces. Allow to marinate for precisely fifteen minutes after properly stirring.
Make the Stir-fry
In a big skillet or wok set over medium-high heat, warm up 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Toss in the marinated meat and stir-fry for about three to four minutes, or until browned and cooked through. Remove meat from pan.
One more tablespoon of vegetable oil should be added to the same pan. After around 30 seconds of stirring, the ginger and garlic should begin to release their aroma.
For two or three minutes, or until they start to soften, stir-fry the onion and bell pepper.
Reintroduce the meat to the pan and season with sugar, salt, pepper, and sesame oil. Be careful to mix everything well. Once everything is coated and heated, cook for another two minutes.
Add chopped green onions as a garnish just before serving.
Tips for Serving and Storing
With a side of hot rice or noodles, serve. This meal is perfect with a side of steaming veggies.
Refrigeration is an option for preserving leftovers for a maximum of three days if sealed properly. Bring to a simmer in a pan over medium heat until heated through.
Guidance on Achieving Your Goals
To prepare the meat for slicing, slice it thinly so it becomes soft.
Do not miss the marinating step; it helps tenderize the meat and imparts flavor.
Cooking the meat over high heat will provide a sear while keeping it soft.
Advantages to Wellness
Beef is an excellent way to get the high-quality proteins your muscles need to build and repair themselves.
Minerals and vitamins: Beef is a good source of iron, zinc, and B vitamins, among others.
Add bell peppers and onions to vegetables to boost their fiber, vitamin, and antioxidant levels.
Have fun!

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