Saleslady Kicks Poor Old Woman Out of Luxury Store, Cop Brings Her Back Later – Story of the Day

She was right outside the mall when she dropped her bag accidentally, and for some reason, that made her break down even more. After being humiliated by the woman, she cried heavily, but something touched her shoulder. “Ma’am. Are you ok? Can I help you with anything?” a kind male voice asked, and Kerry lifted her head to stare at a young cop, who tried to get her to stand up straight. He leaned down to pick up her purse and gave her a dazzling smile. “Oh, thank you, officer,” Kerry said, grabbing the bag and composing herself. “Well, I’m still an apprentice. I’m only 20, but I’ll be an official officer soon enough,” the young man answered humorously. “Can you tell me what happened?” “Well, it’s a bit silly…,” the older woman began. Something about his face made her want to talk about it. He was frowning heavily by the time she finished. “That’s preposterous! How can a salesperson treat you like that?” he said. “What’s your name, young man?”He ushered her back to the store and talked to the manager. | Source: Pexels “George Martins,” he answered and looked toward the mall doors. “Look, my mentor came here for coffee. But we have time to choose a dress. Let’s go!” Kerry wanted to refuse, but George pulled her along towards the luxury boutique. Sandra spotted her immediately. “I thought I told you to leave… oh, officer. What’s going on?” Sandra asked, changing her tune as soon as she saw the cop with Kerry. “We came here for a dress, and we’re not leaving without one,” George stated, and he gestured for Kerry to continue shopping. He also complained to Sandra’s manager while the older woman looked for a dress. After a few minutes, she finally chose something beautiful for prom, and George even paid for half of it despite Kerry’s objections. But it wasn’t that expensive because the store offered ended up offering them a discount due to the complaint George raised against them. They heard the manager scolding Sandra while leaving.Anne looked beautiful in her dress but lamented not having a date. | Source: Unsplash George accompanied Kerry out of the mall and bid her goodbye. But Kerry couldn’t let such a wonderful young man go just like that. “George, do you have any plans this weekend?” she asked, raising her eyebrows slyly, and George laughed. *** On prom night, Kerry appeared at Lisa’s house to surprise her granddaughter with the dress in her hands. They told her how vital this rite of passage was for every young person, and they dressed her up. In the end, Anne was happy and looked beautiful. But she shrugged as they took pictures of her. “It’s too bad I don’t have a date,” she said, arranging her dress shyly. “Actually…,” Kerry stared, and the doorbell rang at that moment. George was right outside wearing a beautiful tux, and he had a corsage in his hands. The older woman made introductions, explaining what happened at the mall and how kind George was. Anne was embarrassed, but she accepted the corsage and the date.Years later, they got married. | Source: Unsplash They had tons of fun at prom, and seven years later, she and George got married. “I told you prom can change your life!” Kerry said while helping Anne with her wedding dress.

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