Skin cancҽr detector guide

e) Evolving.

Do you have any moles or freckles changing over time? These changes could include shape, size, or color. Also, you should look out for changes to the surface of the mole, like scaliness or scabbing, and even itchiness or bleeding. Try using this printable body map when you do you skin check, and note the moles that you think are significant with some details about their characteristics. Refer to the map with your next skin check so you can accurately track any changes on your skin.

Skin ca:ncer is all too common. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, each year there are more new cases of skin cancer than the combined incidence of canc:ers of the breast, prostate, lung and colon. One in five Americans will develop skin ca:ncer in their lifetime, and someone di:es of melanoma every 54 minutes. That’s an estimated 9,730 melanoma de:aths in 2017. It is important that you limit your sun exposure and keep yourself well protected, including places like the scalp and the backs of the hands. Check your skin regularly and note any changes, and always remember the ABCDEs of skin ca:nc:ers.

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