Americans love sugar more than any other food.
Sugar is linked to a whole medical manual of illnesses… insomnia, hair loss, obesity, allergies, bipolar disorder, hypertension, heart disease, and of course, diabetes.
And yet, many people still consider it a harmless treat.
But new research is rekindling the urgency of the war on sugar. Scientists have discovered the worst sugar scourge…. It fuels the spread of can.cer, especially breast can.cer.
And removing it from your diet can actually reverse can.cer growth.
Sugar: A Powerful Fuel for Can.cer
Researchers at MD Anderson Can.cer Center in Texas have found that sugar can transform localized, non-threatening can.cers into deadly malignancies that spread throughout the body.
The findings help explain what oncologists have noticed for years… Patients who eat sugary foods are more likely to have advanced can.cer.