‘Stop eating this immediately,’ warn can-cer researchers

– Good for the stomach: Celery is a food rich in fiber, which can speed up the digestion and excretion process in the stomach, then through the diuretic function of celery, toxins will be excreted through urine, reducing pressure on the stomach and protecting the stomach.



After entering menopause, My Linh pays more attention to detoxifying her body using different methods, including the habit of drinking filtered water in the morning.

Every morning when she wakes up, she often drinks a lot of filtered water, then walks a lot to eliminate the toxic substances accumulated in her body through urine and sweat. Thanks to that, her skin is always detoxified, becoming radiant and shiny despite her old age. In addition, drinking water before meals will also help women increase metabolism, thereby the digestive system will process food smoothly and quickly, limiting the risk of fat accumulation.

2. Drinking green tea

Drinking green tea is one of the beauty and longevity secrets of Ms. Tong My Linh. She often asks the staff to help her make enough green tea for the whole day. Mrs. Tung values ​​green tea leaves because of their health benefits: helping to prevent cancer, regulating the spirit when in a good mood, and reducing the risk of blood vessels in the brain being blocked or ruptured. Polyphenol in green tea is a water-soluble substance, has strong antioxidant and physiological activity, not only anti-aging, skin care can reduce the loss of ultraviolet radiation on the skin, for radiation diseases, cancer, also has a very good effect.

3. Lemon juice

Tung My Linh started drinking lemon juice at the age of 40 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She believes that lemon can nourish the skin, regulate the breath, detoxify, soften blood vessels and clean the stomach, so she often drinks lemon juice for breakfast. This drink helps to detoxify, purify the intestines and improve acidity in the body. That’s why, at the age of 70, My Linh is still very beautiful and healthy. In 2001, she turned 104 years old but her skin was still rosy and had few wrinkles. When asked by American doctors about her beauty secrets, Ms. Tung did not hesitate to answer that she often drank lemon juice to maintain her beauty. At the age of 106, she passed away naturally, not at all due to cancer.

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