If You Have These Tiny Red Dots On Your Arm, Do Not Ignore The Warning Signs

Doctors in the UK are cautioning people not to ignore “tiny red dots” that may appear on their hands and to avoid people while seeking treatment if they do.

It is the most recent health warning in the UK in recent weeks, with a 100 percent increase in incidence of another cruel ailment that is causing individuals to feel poorly and experience terrible symptoms like headaches, limb aches, and diarrhea.

What are doctors warning Brits about?

Scabies is to blame, and doctors are alerting patients to its expansion throughout the United Kingdom.

Specifically, outbreaks are occurring in northern England, where medical professionals report an increase in cases.

“While not a serious condition, scabies can be very itchy and irritating,” says Professor Kamila Hawthorne, the chairwoman of the Royal College of GPs.

“If not properly treated, it can spread and increase a patient’s risk of complications, such as secondary skin infections, or make existing skin conditions worse.”

What is scabies and what are the symptoms?

Mites that burrow beneath your skin are the cause of the contagious disorder scabies.

They lay eggs that are visible to the unaided eye after tunneling through the layers of your skin.

People who physically come into contact with one another can readily transfer it, and the mite-caused rashes can spread throughout the body.

If you experience severe itching episodes, especially at night, you probably have scabies. Spots and rashes are also typical.

She began to receive ‘little red dots’ around her hands and wrists, a university student told the BBC.

How can I catch scabies?

Schools and young adults are particularly susceptible to scabies because of their high social interaction rates.

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